Monday, November 24, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


While I was reading my notebook in the train. I realized that there were lots of notes that I haven't posted and which I think are worth to post. Here they are this miscellaneous thoughts about my thesis:


"imagination then will represent but hte same images that they had already expressed by the actions and words, and which had, from the beginnings, made language figurative and metaphoric. The most natural means was therefore to draw the pictures of things. To express the idea of a man or a horse the form of one or the other will be represented, and the first attempt at writing was but a simple painting."

Yumi Endo:
"sound signature may not always be the name of the person"

Signature notes:
the notes that people write on the library books
"institutions use the same media as graffiti (i.e. when they fix a street they first make marks on how they will work)"

who will be interested in sound besides musicians?

Design artifacts are "materialized ideologies"

Philip L. Wagner:
"everything about the body is in itself a declaration slight facial movements, posture, posture, position of the hands, levels of the voice, breathing rhythm, body, heat and perspiration, skin color, odors, every motion"


no address = no names = no signature

"the ambiguity of the meaning of the word communication is reduced by the context. As much as we limit the context more clear will be the communication"

VOICE as SOUND = define individuality
VOICE as LANGUAGE = collectivity

Olga Rodriguez:
"It is important that in a city like NY with so many linguistic and social contrasts the phenomenon of the voice can be visualize"

signature = mirror/reflection = interpretation of one self
the signature is design by yourself not by others

Lacan: "the building of the subject is done by the other"

"the signature replaces the author"

David Carson in the documentary "HELVETICA"
"dont confuse legibility with communication. Just because something is legible, doesnt mean it communicates. And more importantly doesn't mean it communicates the right thing"

Zach Lieberman:
"Interaction Design is about asking the correct question"

"the imagined community is, in fact, usually constructed in the language of some particular ethos, membership of which then effectively becomes a prerequisite for the enjoyment of a political citizenship within the nation-state"

Mary Douglas
"Home involves regular patterns of activity and structures in time"

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hybrid Voice/Music Applications for iphone

Thanks to Donny after he gave me a hand last week with my user testing, he found this link from youtube that I think is amazing...
Even though this is not completely addressed to my last testing about Echo it does have a relationship with the idea how the "reflection" of voice (or in this case, also sound) can change aspects of events such as music.

About Me

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I am a NY based Artist-Designer who is pursuing a MFA in Design & Technology degree at Parsons the New School For Design. This is my thesis research blog. Any comment will be appreciated.